Be Prepared, Be Confident Be Successful!

Discover your hidden talents and get the job/course you deserve.


What can Skills2Bank do for you?

Improve confidence and self awareness from hundreds of 'Skills Posts' from employers and educational organisations.


Identify hidden talents and skills including digital, teamwork, communications creativity, problem-solving and many more.

Browse and save relatable 'skills posts' from sports, clubs, hobbies, academic life, work experience, internships, university employability courses, BLM/BAME/ESOL, caregiving, disabilities and lockdown.


Save discovered skills to your in-app "Skills Bank" for future reference.

Use banked skills together with in-app interview, CV , personal statements tips to prepare winning applications and boost interview confidence.


Connect with virtual internships, university, job opportunities from employers that believe in supporting the environment, diversity and disability inclusion.

It's Fun!

The app is more like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, SnapChat than PowerPoint, Pdf's or endless Google searches.

Why Skills2Bank?

Young people often lack confidence and have difficulty describing transferable skills; it makes them nervous about interview and applications.


There are massive youth unemployment issues, and with Covid-19 its more important than ever to promote Diversity & Inclusion for BAME and Disability candidates.

Skills2Bank inspires confidence in all young people for interviews, assessments and Higher Education applications discovery of transferable skills and hidden talents.


We are committed to Diversity & Inclusion and are Disability Positive


What's in it for Employers?

  • Reinforce your Diversity & Inclusion messaging and credentials.

  • Connect your talent teams with a wide range of candidates that recognise your commitment to environmental, diversity and inclusion in your job postings.

What's in it for Education & Employability Providers?

Motivate users and improve outcomes by using the app to showcase your 'skills success stories' from employability and widening participation activities. An app is the best way to engage with Gen Z.


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